
Saturday, December 29, 2007

drummer boy version 2

Here's another version of the drummer boy performance that includes captions. Thanks, Lisa!

Friday, December 28, 2007

little drummer boy performance

The girls sang with their 3-5 year old class at church on Christmas Eve. They had a lot of fun with their good friends who were also part of the same class.

Thank you, Lisa, for splicing together this hilarious video.

First, you'll see one of her daughters eyeing the mic during the rehearsal. Then, check out M and E on the left side of the stage during the actual performance. A is center stage and almost falls over at one point because she's getting so into it.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

mostly fall photos

Scott and Angie

My friend Angie recently got engaged and asked me to take her engagement photos. It was my first real photo shoot! I had a great time. Here are some of my favorites.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Washington DC

The WW II memorial. Madeline actually slipped into this fountain. After she fell, the only dry part of her was her head.

M showing off the back of the penny as we approached the Lincoln Memorial.
There were lots of beautiful water features at the FDR Memorial.
Jefferson Memorial
Washington Memorial

From the top of the Washington Memorial, there were great views of the city. This is the Jefferson Memorial.
The White House. You can even see the national Christmas tree, though it is not decorated yet.

The Lincoln Memorial and the WW II Memorial.

We visited some friends in Maryland before going to DC. It was freezing there according to our Florida girls. A bundled up in one of their son's jackets.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

3rd Birthday

(on August 12th)

A wanted a pony birthday this year, so I finally decided to attempt a special cake. It's supposed to be a pink horse. I should add "cake decorator" to the long list of professions I never knew I was signing up for when becoming a mom.

She got to choose her favorite food for dinner--hot dogs. Afterwards, our neighborhood friends, the Pecks, came over to have cake and break a pinata--yes, it is homemade.

Can you believe this pile of presents? It really looks like a lot more than it really is.

What little girls' birthday wouldn't be complete without some Disney princesses?

A is really into Thomas the Train, and was very happy with her new train set, especially her pink train, Rosie. Thanks, Grandad and Abuela!

Each kid got five swings with a soft pool bat. Finally after several turns each, M got desperate and just dumped the pinata upside down. It was nearly indestructible!

First Day of School

So, the first day of school was actually three weeks ago. But, here they are, the five little people that I take to pre-school once a week. Two other moms and I share the load so that we each take the kids one day a week. A just comes along for the ride. (It was her first day of ballet class.)

They are quite the sight-- holding hands to cross the parking lot, walking into the building and getting settled in their classes.

I wish I could record some of the conversations (read arguments) that take place on the drive to school (it's about 25 minutes one way when not taking toll roads.) Everything from why E should NOT be a duck for Halloween, to "shuss-ing" each other to have a turn to sing, to who will be invited to each other's birthday parties. Oh, to be 4 years old again!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

July 4th: Bike Parade

I was told that this event was a BIG deal. Since it's our first summer on the Staff Conerence Team, I had no idea what to expect. The instructions were to arrive at 9:00am with decorated bikes, scooters, children, and strollers and line up for the parade. No bikes? No problem, we had boxes. Three of them. M decided we should be a train, and so it was. A was the engine, and M, the caboose.
They won "Best Other" category (i.e. not a bike, stroller or scooter) and brought home a $20 gift certificate to Toy's 'R Us. Not bad!

Hot and grumpy from a long parade!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


On April 28th it was official. I became a certified Jazzercise instructor along with these 8 other fabulous women. (Our trainer is pictured front and center.)
It was no small feat. We had to pass a 125 question physiology exam, and be able to teach ten dance routines. No, I did not have to choreograph them myself.
Then, we spent two full days in further training learning how to make it all work--from the legal details to proper technique. By the end of it all, I was exhausted!
Read how it all began, with my friend Angie's vision for bringing Jazzercise to Crusade's headquarters. Check out a photo of my first time teaching class and the official Jazzercise website.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

the battle of two strong-wills

A typical photo-session:

Me: "M, look at the camera!"

"Okay, now show me your pretty smile!"

"Whew! We finally got one." (Many exposures later)

Friday, April 20, 2007

egg hunt

The girls enjoyed participating an Easter party. M and A are "in" the basket pictured below with their friends.

sheer joy

Can you see it on her face? A LOVES bounce houses. The one at Sea World was deserted when we arrived one weekend morning, and she had it all to herself. She couldn't have been happier.


M loves to blow bubbles. She actually sits still for quite a long time too! So, I used it as the perfect photo-opp.

It is surprisingly difficult to capture bubbles inside the frame. You'd be amazed at the number of bubble-less photos I took :)

sleep standing?

Ever heard of it? I hadn't until I checked on M last weekend after church. She had been putting up a major fuss about not taking her nap (even though she was exhausted.)

I was busy downstairs when I noticed that it had gotten unusually quiet upstairs. "Could it be that M actually fell asleep," I wondered? Yes, and never before in such an unusual position.

Later, when I asked how she had managed to fall asleep standing up she said, "Well, I was playing, and my head just kept getting heavier and heavier until I just couldn't stay awake."

Saturday, March 31, 2007

scardey cat

Every Thursday morning, my friend Ingrid and I swap babysitting so that we can attend staff meetings. Her youngest son loves to play our video games which include oldies like "Pac Man" and "Space Invaders." M usually sits nearby
to cheer him on, while A takes on an entirely different role: hiding on the couch under her blankie. Occassionally she gets brave enough to peek out from underneath it.

I haven't quite figured out which game it is, but one of the games in particular makes a sound that A is afraid of. She insists on playing "Pac Man" when it's her turn, but as Ingrid's son says, "Yowr not vewy good!" She's still too little to run away from the ghosts effectively.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


M was being "playful" here (ok, maybe a bit ornery), trying not to let me take her picture. I love how this photo shows off her beautiful eyes.

Friday, March 9, 2007


Well, it was a nicer day, so I tried another photo shoot with the girls. They are getting tired of me taking pictures of them, and had other ideas. M decided to turn it into a roller skating expedition, and A, showed me her "Oh, Mom, enough pictures already" face.