Our dearly loved family doctor, family friend, and brother in Christ, Dr. John David Ward II, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on October 2oth.
We met him shortly after getting married and moving to Greeley, Colorado. Our friends told us that he was awesome, and looked like Doogie Howser, MD. They were right.
It's so rare that you just hit it off with someone, especially your doctor, but he was one of those amazing people with a gift for caring and connecting with you.
He quickly became our friend.
He was such a tender presence in our lives during such vulnerable times--pregnancy and childbirth. I was so sick during pregnancy with both my girls. While pregnant with Miss A (my second), I kept telling him emphatically during every visit that I could not do this again--that if for some reason I had to have a C-section, to please tie me up!! He was so great to remind me over and over again that such decisions were best not made during hard times, that I really needed to be sure before the Lord. In the end, he convinced me to wait and not make any radical decisions while sick and pregnant. I'm so glad he did!
I'd been wanting to reconnect with him to let him know how grateful I am for his wise words to me 5 years ago. I wanted to let him know that we were expecting again, and that amazingly I haven't been sick at all this time!
He's spoiled us forever as far as doctors are concerned. I just can't imagine ever finding someone that we'd like as much or connect with as well. He meant a lot to our family, and we'll miss him so much.
To read more about Dr. Ward and to listen to one of his worship songs, click here.
In honor of you, Dr. Ward, because you loved babies and delivered thousands of them: