
Tuesday, November 30, 2010


It's become our tradition every Thanksgiving to make "thankful links."

We've been doing this since Miss A was 15 months old and Miss M was 3.  Back then, we asked the girls to tell us something they were thankful for and we wrote it down for them.  Now, we each write our own!

I use old scrapbooking paper to cut long 1-1/2 inch strips.  This year I used Christmas colors: red, dark red, green and white.  We had the parade on in the background as we were doing this.  It was really low key.  Everyone can write as many or as few as they'd like, and take as long as they want to finish.  When everyone is done, we staple the strips together to make a long chain-link.  The girls love it, and it's become a fun tradition.

What are your favorite traditions?


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

ballet hangover & a sad story

I think I'm almost over it--our ballet hangover, that is. It's what happens to our family twice a year a full week of rehearsals, late nights and ballet buns, tights and leotards. It usually takes us a few days to recover. But, it's worth it.

This year the girls' Nutcracker recital was bumped up a bit, so as to lessen the craziness of the Christmas season. It was so much better in November! And, it sort of launched me into the Christmas spirit. Sort of. As much as one can have the Christmas spirit while living in central Florida.


Now for the sad story. The day after the recital, we actually had a date on the calendar. A real date where you get a babysitter and take a shower and go out with just your spouse. It hasn't happened very often since little Z was born, sadly. So, we were really looking forward to it. Unfortunately, Miss M began to feel ill--on the day of our date!! But, we decided to go for it anyway, leaving our sitter with instructions to call if something bad happened. And, it did. Just as we arrived at our destination, my cell phone rang. Miss M had just thrown up. Lovely. So, there was no date. Now, isn't that a sad story?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

technical difficulties

Thanks to some help from my friend, Lisa, and a little bit of luck, the photos are all straightened out!

So, I like the new layout except for the fact that I'm having technical difficulties and my photos are not showing up anymore. I really have no idea what the problem is. Yesterday I changed so many things on the blog--the layout, the footer, and adding pages--that I'm not sure how to find the problem. The site I use to host my photos, Photobucket, is still hosting all my previous images, so I can't imagine there is a problem there.

Oh, and I've checked the blog using three different browsers. My photos show up using Google Chrome (but the blog is all funky now), but not in Mozarella Firefox (that what the girls call it) or Explorer.

Anyway, if you're a technical sleuth, feel free to give me your input. I'd sure appreciate it. My momma brain is not functioning so well on the little sleep I've been getting lately!

Thanks, friends!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

after school

I'd begun to hate our after school routine. I'd hear myself say things like, "you can do that (whatever, you fill in the blank) AFTER you finish your homework."

The public school schedule is not for the faint of heart! It's a ton of work to just keep up. Papers. Homework. Sign this. Sign that. Return this. Money for that. I get weary just thinking about it.

So, I'd decided to boycott the schedule one day. I mean, they're just first and third graders. Does life have to be so scheduled and serious all the time. Sheesh!

So, we've started playing before we do our homework. Yeah, I know. It's radical, but it had to be done. Play first, then work. That's what I say. Not everyday, but a lot of days.

Miss A took the camera for the first one below. And, Miss M showed us what she thought of that.

Click on in and check out my new layout. It's in progress, but I think I'm really gonna like the larger pictures. I'm working on a few more tabs, so for now, the Archives and Labels are in the footer, waaaayyy at the bottom.



Tuesday, November 16, 2010

the stephens family

It's been my treat to photograph this family from the very beginning when Amanda was just pregnant with the twins. Every time we meet up something memorable happens. This time was no exception. Just moments after we started shooting, one of the twins literally flipped head over heels off of a bench and landed head-first in the dirt. Luckily, I was nearby and caught him by the ankle so as to pad his fall.

He is one tough little dude. The fall did not even phase him, and he went right along his merry way.




"Happy Feet." We really needed video to do their little dance justice. Just check out their leg action! They're getting jiggy with it. So cute.




Friday, November 12, 2010

six month portraits

Since I've been busy taking everyone else's family photos, I thought I'd better take Z's 6 month portraits too.

He wasn't super smiley--we did this right before nap time.

But, he loved all the attention from M & A trying to get him to smile at the big black thing I always stick in his face. David's job was to be the "catcher" just in case Z he fell off the chair...

...which he actually did at the very end of our short 10 minute session. But, David caught him-- just barely--before his head hit the floor. Too bad I didn't get a photo of that!




Thursday, November 11, 2010

the kelly family

It's always a pleasure to meet up with our friends, Pete and Chanin. Not only are their children adorable, but they really know how to work the camera. Now, I'm not gonna lie to you, photographing small children is not an easy job. But in my experience, sometimes the most difficult children are the most interesting to photograph. Because they are real. And, true to themselves.
Everyone's having fun here. Except possibly Pete, who is getting pummeled by his son bouncing up and down on his back.


Here's the grumpy face. "I'm mad. I'm frustrated!" And, quite honestly, he was for most of the session.
I LOVE this one. Possibly my favorite image from our session. He reminds me of a monkey here. And, since I know how much Chanin mocks loves Curious George, it's just perfect.
Isn't she just beautiful? Like mother, like daughter!
You guys did awesome! And, I had fun with you.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Now that I'm scooting around so much, my momma has starting putting me in here.
She calls it playtime.
But, I know better.
It's really confinement.


I guess I don't mind it too much.
As long as she doesn't sit in front of that computer-thing all day.
And forget to play with me too.


Friday, November 5, 2010

friday faces

It's Friday. Time for me to post pics of little Z. He's perked up so much these past two weeks. The poor little guy was just not so energetic previously. Now, he's so active!

This week he...
started army crawling across the floor
in order to eat his sister's math homework
and grab at her binder that he knows he's not supposed to have.

Hmm...I see a mischievous little brother in the making!

Happy Friday!


Thursday, November 4, 2010

tis the season...

...for family photos..fa la la la, la la la laaaaa. Is it Christmas already? What is up with all the holiday decor in all the stores now. Just because it's November, does not mean it's time for Christmas!!

I've gotten rather lazy about posting my favorites from photo sessions. I thought I'd start with the most recent and work my way back....waaayyy back. So, here goes. I had a great time meeting up with this fun family last week. They were perfect--had fun with each other, and were just themselves. The littlest guy totally stole the show. I mean, he was Mr. Personality!

Here he is checking out his toe. Something was wrong with it not sure what.

Then, he totally perked up...

...and was off running....straight to Dad.

Wha-pow! Showing me his hands...what a little cutie! But, there were other members of the family present. And, I got some photos of them too.

The kids loved showing me their hands...

and twirling for me.

And, just to prove that it really was a family session:


Had a great time with you guys!
Can't wait to see which photos you pick :)