We've been doing this since Miss A was 15 months old and Miss M was 3. Back then, we asked the girls to tell us something they were thankful for and we wrote it down for them. Now, we each write our own!
I use old scrapbooking paper to cut long 1-1/2 inch strips. This year I used Christmas colors: red, dark red, green and white. We had the parade on in the background as we were doing this. It was really low key. Everyone can write as many or as few as they'd like, and take as long as they want to finish. When everyone is done, we staple the strips together to make a long chain-link. The girls love it, and it's become a fun tradition.
What are your favorite traditions?
Just doing a little blog hopping this morning - gorgeous photos. And I love that I can listen to Peter Gabriel while I read!